East end of Salisbury Cathedral. ... To get past the accrued definitions of the centuries, it's best to go back to the very start of the word ... As with many art historical terms, “Gothic” came to be applied to a certain architectural style after the fact.
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cologne cathedral its history its works of arts pdf
visual expression, with particular attention to the case of Cologne Cathedral, one of the most ... Greco-Roman architecture than it later would in the Gothic era. ... 11 Leon Battista Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, translated by .... by LM d'Albertis · 2018 — Understanding the history of art in all of its forms requires a privileged access to the ... us of the works of the great Baroque artists the Church commissioned to represent ... the new window of the Cologne Cathedral, designed by Gerhard Richter (Fig. ... http://www.icar.beniculturali.it/biblio/pdf/EuCa/totalCasanova.pdf: 1928. 3925e8d270